Coming up with the best price for your property in relation to what the market value of the property is always a difficult task. In order to reach the best market value for your home, you need to carefully consider that acquiring buyers is your ultimate goal, and silting through a lot of information will help you have a good approximation of your property’s market worth. With the following points, you will be able to bring an acceptable price for your home:
Contact your local tax assessment office
Contacting your local tax assessment office is a great starting point because they typically keep records of recently-sold properties in your area. Check if they can provide you with a list of all details on each property, including the selling price, data of sales, square footage, number of beds and baths, etc… This information will enable you to know what similar homes in your area have sold for, which is a good indication of how you could price your home. From there, you can find similar homes to yours and price yours based on the comparisons.
Communicate with a local estate agent
Realtors have a lot of experience and are always aware of most recent sales in your locality. Mention your plan on selling your home as it will draw their attention in sharing a lot of information with you. As a potential client, a Realtor will feed you with necessary information on the property selling price, data of sales, four-sided footage and also the number of bedchambers and baths. We’d love to introduce you to a local Realtor, so reach out if you’re searching!
While we do home financing when you buy a home, real estate agents are experts in selling homes. We’d love to connect you with a trusted agent that we know will do a great job for you! Reach out with any questions!